Blog entry by Nicholas Colby

Anyone in the world

Perhaps it's hard for our leaders to condemn China on Zero Covid, as it would be an acknowledgement that they too massively overreacted to the threat of the virus for far too long, damning us to the economic hellscape where we now find ourselves.

Testing and isolation is constant; government officials in hazmat suits, robots and drones patrol the streets barking orders; while a simple trip to the shop can see you end up in a prison-like quarantine camp for weeks on end.

It would cost more than £8,000 to fill a ten-year gap, but it would result in a £55,000 boost over a 20-year retirement, according to Quilter.

Check your NI record at: national-insurance-record.

I love and thank you guys'  This next tour will be my last. I can't do this anymore. Exhausted: On September 14, Demi wrote in a since-deleted post on social media that 'I'm so f— sick I can't get out of bed.

Against all odds, given the ferocity of the authorities to crack down on even the slightest hint of civil unrest, brave Chinese freedom fighters are hitting the streets in Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'An, Urumqi, Nanjing and Wuhan, Covid's Ground Zero, shouting: ‘Down with the Chinese Communist Party!

Sillett claims his coaching successes include 'training riders to Olympic level, riders who went on to form part of the British Showjumping GB Junior Team, numerous riders who have represented their country internationally and riders who frequently compete at the finals of the National School Equestrian Association'.

Meet the smart meter addicts: The dad who cut back on 1p... What is YOUR pension worth? One in three landlords could be forced to sell up after... Online calculator reveals how... Has Steve Webb answered YOUR retirement question yet?

did you do anything that could be described as something like that [sexual]?'.

Sillett replied 'no'. Questioning his client, defence barrister Martin Liddiard asked Sillett: 'At any age, at any point...

A new report from the Commons Education Select Committee, published on Thursday, said the government must also assess the success of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) under Randstad, and that if the company cannot deliver the scheme effectively it must be 'booted out'.

The committee said it is 'not clear that the National Tutoring Programme will deliver for the pupils that need it most' and that there needs to be full transparency over how the scheme is working, including how many pupils are benefiting and their characteristics, such as if they have a disability.

Mr Halfon said catch-up funding is 'not reaching the most disadvantaged children', while 'there are significant regional disparities and there is a real risk of failure through Randstad as the delivery partner'.

The Western leaders who advocated - or even attempted ­- such a policy in civilised and free societies should look at the carnage the authoritarian President Xi Jinping has unleashed on the good and long-suffering people of China, who have been pushed to the brink and are finally fighting back, then hold their heads in shame.

It was blindingly obvious to anyone without a dictatorial streak that the longer such horrors were inflicted on a population in what would be an ultimately futile attempt to keep Covid at bay, the longer the pain and horror of the pandemic and lockdowns would last.

Meanwhile, in an online survey of nearly 1,000 primary school teachers carried out during November and December 2021 by YouGov and the early years charity Kindred2, it was revealed that half of Reception pupils were not ready to start school.

Around one in six children aged between six and 16 have a probable mental health disorder, with witnesses telling the committee that one of the biggest issues for pupils' mental wellbeing is their access to social media.

I guess at least the mainstream broadcast media has caught up to the horror of Zero Covid tactics, with BBC reporter Ed Lawrence even being detained and violently attacked while covering the unrest in Shanghai.

Like Jacinda Ardern who treated New Zealand as a prison island, banning her hapless citizens from leaving or returning for over two years, and Justin Trudeau, who removed the basic human rights of Canadians who exercised their right to bodily autonomy.

Schools expect early years pupils to have basic social skills such as being able to share, sat review courses to write some letters and numbers, to follow simple instructions and to be able to concentrate for short periods of time.

Statistics should be published every half-term on the number of tutoring sessions started, with information on regional access to the scheme, as well as how many disadvantaged pupils or Send students are being supported.

The Education Committee said the Government needs to take action over the issue of persistent absence, ensuring that no more pupils became 'ghost children' - those who have fallen off of schools' radars during the pandemic.