Blog entry by Clara Brien

Picture of Clara Brien
by Clara Brien - Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 4:22 PM
Anyone in the world

The changes in the education system caused by the Coronavirus are challenging for children, parents, and society. Delivering education using new methods is risk-taking but is necessary to prevent further damage from the pandemic. There could be failures in these abrupt changes but there are also advantages such as innovating the traditional education system that we have been using for hundreds of years. Perhaps we need these challenges to have the courage to try new things like adopting technologies in education.

Experiencing nature can be a transformative journey, whether through incidental encounters or intentional immersion. The activities undertaken, the social dynamics involved, and the emotional responses elicited all contribute to the richness and diversity of experiences in nature. The rapid spread of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, in many countries caused widespread school closure around the world to mitigate the development of a full-blown pandemic.

This abrupt decision saved lives as it protected people from getting infected and continues to prevent more possible damages of the pandemic. However, global school closure greatly affects the education sector causing delays in classes and changes in the education system. The disadvantage of modular learning system is that parents need to take more of the responsibility in helping their children to understand the lessons. This worries some parents especially those who have limited education as they may not be able to provide proper education to their children.

On a news interview in Asia, a father said "It's okay if my child is still in kinder or elementary but she is now in High School. How can I help her if I only finished grade 4?" Experiences in nature can be categorized based on the type of contact with nature and the social context in which they occur. Incidental contact refers to experiencing nature as a by-product of another activity, while direct and intentional contact involves actively seeking out nature. Different activities in nature, such as consumptive, mechanized, Online Phonics PRE-K4 Grade Program and Online Spelling And Vocabulary Teacher appreciative activities, can shape the experiences people have.

Experiences in nature can be self-directed or other-directed, solitary or social, and can evoke positive or negative emotional responses. One of the options to continue education while we are still experiencing the threat of the COVID-19 is to bring education to online platforms. With the use of computers and internet connection, teachers and students can conduct classes while staying at home. This is a great alternative to traditional frontal classes as it ensures absolute social distancing which is necessary to prevent the spread of the disease.

4. Place Attachment Place attachment refers to the emotional bond individuals develop with specific natural environments or places. Researchers using this approach examine how these deep attachments to places influence pro-environmental behaviors. By understanding the role of place attachment, we can gain insights into the significance of specific locations in fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment. Isabella Whitmore is a mother of two, a teacher, and an advocate of better education for every student.

She writes articles about health, education, family, and households. You can find some of her work at website , an appliance website that offers a wide selection of electric kettles which are handy and reliable. Education is an important aspect of a life and of a society. It helps a person have a better chance to compete in the workforce and a society to have better economic growth.