Blog entry by Cassie Penny

Anyone in the world

This is the moment the grieving Ukrainian parents of an 18-month-old boy rushed into hospital weeping over their son's dead body after the toddler was killed by Russian shelling - as Putin's invading forces spent another day shelling Ukrainian civilians yesterday killing at least eight.  

Instead of holding a public ceremony with lawmakers from both parties - showcasing the bipartisanship that Biden had cited in an Oval Office address on Friday evening - the president signed the legislation in private in a reflection of the tight deadline facing the nation's leaders.

Earlier in the hearing, Jackson issued a passionate defense of her history of sentencing child porn offenders as Durbin gave the Supreme Court nominee a chance to address Republican criticism claiming she is too soft on these crimes.

Distressing images of families fleeing the conflict dominate our television screens, videos from the frontline play out on social media, and schools are abuzz with things children have seen and heard. 

The White House accuses Republicans of 'endangering public safety, raising costs for families, shipping manufacturing jobs overseas and undermining American workers, weakening national security, and hurting seniors.'

Keisha Lance Bottoms says a stray bullet nearly hit her nephew after it penetrated his bedroom wall and landed beside his bed in Atlanta - just years after another nephew was tragically shot and killed.

'Until we deal with the systemic issues of gun violence in this country - how easily young people with mental illness can access guns in this country, I'm afraid that this will not be the last summer that we are having this conversation,'  Bottoms told  .

'As MAGA House Republicans go to Florida for their retreat, the White House and Congressional Democrats are going on offense, slamming the Freedom Caucus's MAGA Budget Proposal as a Five-Alarm Fire for hardworking families. 

Bottoms, who served as mayor of Atlanta from 2018 to 2022, previously blamed the 50 percent increase in homicides in 2021 on lax gun laws, teenagers having too much free time on their hands and the state lifting its COVID-19.

The former mayor also said the pandemic 'left a lot of people battered and bruised, not just physically, but also emotionally,' which led to an increase in personal disputes that could easily be exacerbated by guns.

'How do I speak to my child about war in Ukraine?' FEMAIL has asked a team of psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers from across the UK for their advice on how to broach the subject with their children. Stock image

The otherwise calm and collected nominee showed emotion and passion when speaking on the topic, visibly shaking at some points, using larger arm movements than in other answers and articulating her words more fervently.

Seven months later, the boat he named Awakin - "like a boat waking someone" - was found partially submerged off an island west of Sitka in a tragedy that left Robidou and four customers dead or lost at sea and put a spotlight on the safety of the region's vibrant charter fishing industry.

Asked by WMUR-TV for a segment Wednesday on regions of the world to which she felt the U.S.

could pay more attention, Haley - who served the Trump administration as United Nations ambassador, first said "the Arab world," saying the U.S. needs Arab countries "to kind of join with us" on opposing Iran.

When answer questions from Chairman Durbin, Jackson said she agreed with conservative Justice Barrett - one of Trump's picks - that a nominee should not comment on any potential future cases or on politically charged matters.

'It's the debt ceiling negotiations that oftentimes force the biggest budget reforms, which have been really important for our country,' Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, a member of GOP leadership, said to Punchbowl News on Monday.

President Joe Biden is ramping up his attacks on House Republicans, claiming their budget proposals will hurt American families, as both sides prepare to do battle over spending by the federal government before it runs out of money sometime this summer.

Cruz then quoted a speech where Jackson said her work as a judge was 'just plain interesting because it melds together myriad types of law, criminal law and of course, constitutional law, critical race theory.'

The White House is focused on a budget plan from the conservative Freedom Caucus that would cap overall discretionary spending at fiscal 2022 levels for 10 years while allowing for 1 percent growth per year, which would be a $131 billion cut from current levels.

"In order for this country to not default on its bills, we then turned and made our most vulnerable communities default," said Rep.

Cori Bush, D-Mo. Years before she came to Congress, Bush lived in a car with her then-husband and two young children after the family had been evicted from their rental home.

District spokesperson Chris Williams confirmed that someone filed a review request for the Book of Mormon but would not say what reasons were listed. Citing a school board privacy policy, he also would not say whether it was from the same person who complained about the Bible.