Blog entry by Rosemary Rex

Anyone in the world

Aileen Getty, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case, who are heirs to their families' huge fortunes, are paying the salaries for thugs through their non-profits in an apparent bid to offset their relatives' legacies.

Alleged corruption to bring the tournament to Qatar,... Gary Neville and Roy Keane praise Arsenal's improvements... Gary Neville defends decision to work for Qatari state-run... EXCLUSIVE: 'I still think "I'm not looking at a £1.3bn team...

While China has shown no sign of ditching its "zero-clearance" policy aimed at containing outbreaks as quickly as possible, it has told local governments across the country to minimise the impact of counter-COVID measures on people's daily lives.

The drama continued outside of the Cabinet as veterans affairs minister Johnny Mercer's wife branded the new PM an 'imbecile' for axing him, before later admitting she was 'bitter' over the decision and said she needed '24 hours'.

SHANGHAI, March 9 (Reuters) - The Chinese financial hub of Shanghai is moving quickly to halt the spread of COVID-19 amid a rising wave of local symptomless cases, testing tens of thousands of people, delaying dozens of concerts and exhibitions and shutting some public venues.

"As the virus has spread to around 20 provinces in China and with a tendency of spreading more widely, the hit on consumption would last for a while, unlike our previous forecasts with a gradually warming consumption recovery," said Tang Jianwei, chief researcher at the Financial Research Center of Bank of Communications.

Her regular spot was dropped by the BBC in a programme shake-up in 1997 but the following year she made a comeback for a sketch alongside presenter Bradley Walsh. In the sketch, Walsh's brother Del, who runs a market stall, tries to convince Meg of his own fortune-telling method - frying sausages.

Concern has risen over the education system, geared toward rote learning, pressure-packed exams and additional after-school cramming at private tutoring businesses as anxious parents push their children t

Dominic Raab was among the first to reveal his fate as he tweeted that he had been evicted from his roles as justice secretary and Deputy PM - with Ms Truss's 'best friend' Therese Coffey confirmed as taking the latter title along with the health brief.

(Pictured: Nigel Moores, far right, at his first wedding with then-wife Jean Murray Scott, centre, and his father Cecil Moores)  Meg, who was of Romany descent, never married after the 'love of her life', millionaire football pools heir Nigel Moores, was killed in a car crash in the south of France in 1977.

It shows what an impact she made.' 'She even became part of the English language - if a politician, somebody from showbiz or ordinary people in the street are asked a tricky question they will say ''Who do you think I am, Mystic Meg?''...

'When I highlight these issues, I can do so from a position whereby if I am covering eight games on beIN in a World Cup, and those issues come up or there's an incident outside the stadium, I will highlight them, as I will on ITV, as I will on my own channels. I will never shy away from it,' he said.

They will join other heavy hitters, including Rishi himself, Sajid Javid and Michael Gove, representing a formidable and influential group who could cause trouble for Ms Truss in the coming weeks and months.

'We either decide we are going to work with these nations in the middle east - we have sold about 40 billion quid's worth of arms to middle eastern countries over the last 10 years as a UK Government, they own half of London and are probably donating to the Conservative party.

Ben Wallace remains Defence Secretary after backing her campaign and Brandon Lewis is made Justice Secretary, while Boris Johnson loyalist Jacob Rees Mogg is business secretary. Kemi Badenoch's loyalty was also rewarded as she is named International Trade Secretary, while Kit Malthouse becomes Education Secretary. 

They hope more to follow their child's natural instincts, and relieve their stress through sports," "It's not the same as before. Parents nowadays wouldn't insist on tutoring at home on weekends.

their interest in or enthusiasm for learning will decrease because they will think that no matter how hard they work, they will have endless homewor But she said she has begun to realise that "if they study every day ...

I couldn't believe it when I realised it had come true.' After mother-of-four Mary Jones from Gwynedd, north Wales, won £9.3million in 2004. She said: k-12 tutoring jobs 'I read Mystic Meg in The Sun and it said don't forget to check your lottery ticket.

For now, the fitness drive shows no sign of slowing -- some Chinese provinces are even tweaking entrance-test requirements for high schools and universities to increase the weighting given to sporting ach

She sees her mission as not about creating elite -- or even middling -- athletes, but to break down Chinese perceptions that sport is only for top-level competitors and a waste of time for ever