Blog entry by Lincoln Callister

Anyone in the world

A blank STARE "My go-to is STARE. I'm inspired a little by the Wheel of Fortune move of guessing RSTLNE first, and with this, I also knock off two vowels. At the very least, this often seems to give me something on the board early." --Eli Blumenthal

The medical facility and first hospital did not respond to's request for comment while a spokesperson for the second hospital told they do not release patient information. 

The father of a 16-year-old boy who died less than 24-hours after being diagnosed with leukemia believes his son may have had a better chance of survival if a blood test was carried out days earlier when he complained about back pain.

An argument for ADIEU "I've been using ADIEU from day one. Hilariously, I still sometimes misspell it. Sometimes to shake things up -- mostly based on pressure from Jackson Ryan -- I'll try something different. But every time I stray from ADIEU, it manifests into a gigantic uphill struggle I barely recover from. Either way, I dunno what we're all arguing about. Someone did an experiment on this. The best word is ROATE."  --Mark Serrels

For all those college students it's time to start looking for a summer job and prepare for next years tuition costs. The good news is summer college student jobs open all around the country because more people are hired during the summer months to help with the vacation seasons and warm weathe

In a video message to the besieged nation, Zelensky accused the Kremlin of attempting to seize the capital, overthrow the government and install a 'puppet' regime 'like in Donetsk', one of two separatist regions which warmonger Vladimir Putin officially recognised before launching an all-out invasion. 

According to the PA Chapter of The American Academy of Pediatrics, there are national guidelines for well-child check-ups which they recommend occur every few months form birth to age three and then yearly until they turn 21.

Most work study programs are held at the college but some programs are in the community from state worker to life guards.

Another plus to work study is you can work all school year at the university and have a summer job without any scheduling difficulties. Check with your university about work study if you think you are eligibl

Don't fail "I don't believe in strategies. Pick the word that speaks to you most in the morning and follow your heart. Starting with a tactically effective word makes it too easy anyway. So what if you fail? It's just Wordle! (But I would like to make it clear that I never fail, not even when there's an X in the word.)" --Sarah McDermott

If you are studying for a certain career field than why not work at your college and gain more education in that field. Learning programs and research grants is like getting paid for building your resume, what can be better than tha

Use weird words "You aren't playing Wordle correctly if you use the same word to start every day. That's my official rule and I'm flabbergasted y'all use the same word each day. What? Use weird words. Grab a dictionary, close your eyes and flick to a random page. Start with YACHT one day, try ULCER the next. Look around the room! TOAST? Why not? Just do it! Come on, people. It's not about clearing each day in the least amount of moves, it's about learning to love yourself." --Jackson Ryan

'Well the American people share that view. Enough is enough. And it's not just with D.C. spending, Americans are tired of a political class trying to remake this country into a place where an elite few tell everyone else what they can and cannot say, what they can and cannot believe,' Reynolds said. 

STORY time "I steal Mark's word, ADIEU, and follow it up with STORY. Then it's just a matter of putting all the letters I uncovered into the spots I think they're in, and banging my head on the table, saying, 'I'm not this stupid, am I?' until I figure it out." --Oscar Gonzalez

'Instead of moving America forward, it feels like President Biden and his party have sent us back in time to the late '70s and early '80s,' Reynolds said. 'When runaway inflation was hammering families, a violent crime wave was crashing on our cities, and the Soviet army was trying to redraw the world map.'

'Republicans believe that parents matter. It was true before the pandemic and has never been more important to say out loud: Parents Matter,' she said. 'They have a right to know, and to have a say in, what their kids are being taught.'

The high enrichment of soft skills gained through making ample presentations and communicating with a diverse set of individuals not only enhances your academic skills but also makes one culturally aware. The confidence one gains by finding their way through an education abroad surely makes them confident in their skills.

Although a summer program will not provide the student with a complete university experience, you get a basic understanding of what college life is like. Depending on the selection of program outdoor activities are also promoted in the cours