Blog entry by Bennie Duterrau

Anyone in the world

April 8 (Reuters) - Russia is considering raising its base price for calculating the wheat export tax to 17,000 roubles ($212.23) per tonne from 15,000 roubles per tonne, the Vedomosti daily reported, citing two unnamed sources in exporting companies.

The Argentine Messi has suffered a similar dip to Neymar. He was enjoying by far his best period in a PSG shirt prior to Qatar, scoring a goal every 138 minutes and grabbing a goal involvement (either a goal or assist) every 64 minutes.

Since the World Cup, those minutes have grown exponentially to 210 and 140.

"We want Estonia to be protected, the well-being and livelihood of our people to be guaranteed, the state´s finances to be in order, education, language and culture to be preserved, and tomorrow to be better for everyone," she said.

The Webb team will take the telescope through more alignment steps over the next six weeks. The observatory will then go through a two-month process of preparing its science instruments before it's ready to tackle its mission in earnest. If all continues to go well, we could see Webb's first full-resolution imagery this summer. 

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) - Estonia´s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said Saturday that her center-right Reform Party has clinched a deal with two other parties to form a coalition government, five weeks after a general election in the Baltic country.

The party councils of Kallas´ pro-business Reform Party, which overwhelmingly won with 31.2% of the vote, the centrist Estonia 200 party and the Social Democratic Party said they would form the coalition after agreeing on government programs for the nex four years .

Although Reform won nearly twice as many votes as the March election´s runner-up, the far-right populist EKRE party, Kallas needed junior partners to form a Cabinet that can govern with a comfortable majority for the next four years.

'Paris no longer responds,' the front page of L'Equipe read, perhaps insinuating manager Christophe Galtier could no longer garner a response from his team, who have burnt through managers of a far higher profile than he. 

'It kind of warms your heart when you go to a place where people genuinely want to have a conversation with you and want to know who you are. It's very different from what I'm used to, living in a place like San Francisco, where people just kind of do their own thing and you go about your business. 

The star itself is beautiful to look at, but a highlight of the new image is the background and the array of galaxies and stars that appear there. It's a testament to the telescope's sensitivity that it can see so much in just this test image.

'The range of things you can see in a day in New Zealand is pretty interesting, from the lush rainforest to the high ridge peaks to the lone oak trees just kind of sitting out on the fields, and to the seascapes. Just beautiful, dramatic, striking seascapes.' 

As pointed out by PSG's own supporters, the emphasis placed on winning the Champions League is such that when that does not transpire - and they have only ever once come close to realising that dream - the season feels as good as over. 

Tourists can visit New Zealand from April 12 and this timelapse video and accompanying stunning images are jaw-dropping reminders of the eye-popping sights awaiting them when they venture out and explore the country's landscapes. 

Such has been PSG's direction since being bought by the Qataris over a decade ago, Ligue 1 has turned into something of a procession - certainly nothing for supporters or players alike to be enthused about. 

Neymar's injury, suffered in a rousing comeback win against Lille in late February, did not help proceedings, but such has been the collapse in his stock among supporters that his absence was not mourned as one might expect.

Webb is a complex beast. It uses 18 hexagonal mirror segments that had to be folded up for launch and then unfolded and aligned in space. We've been following the process and seeing increasingly sharper and more focused views of the telescope's target star leading up to this week's image release.

Their eighth defeat this side of the World Cup, their fifth in the league, with the others coming in the Coupe de France and the Champions League, has awoken those to join the lengthening queue lining up to lambast the club - with the players and ownership on the receiving end this time.

Mbappe, in the period before the World Cup, played 20, scoring 19 goals.

Since, he has played 14, scoring 12 at a rate of a goal every 90 minutes. Certainly not to be sniffed at. The youngest of the three by some distance, it is little surprise his performance levels have remained of a passable standard.

It's been a long road, and the image marks a triumphant milestone. "More than 20 years ago, the Webb team set out to build the most powerful telescope that anyone has ever put in space and came up with an audacious optical design to meet demanding science goals," said Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. "Today we can say that design is going to deliver."