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ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ SEO Άγιος Δημήτριος Την προμήθεια 30 ανοικτών σκαφών αποκομιδής, απορριμματοκιβωτίων με σύστημα συμπίεσης (pressocontainers) και άλλων υλικών προκειμένου......
Την προμήθεια 30 σκαφών αποκομιδής ενέκρινε το δημοτικό συμβούλιο ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ SEO Καλύπτονται οι ανάγκες ΘεσσαλονίκηΘεσσαλονίκης
Την προμήθεια 30 ανοικτών σκαφών αποκομιδής, απορριμματοκιβωτίων με σύστημα συμπίεσης (pressocontainers) και άλλων υλικών προκειμένου να καλυφθούν οι ανάγκες ΘεσσαλονίκηΘε ΘεσσαλονίκηΘεσσαλονίκης.
Με αποφάσεις του δημοτικού συμβουλίου εγκρίθηκε η διενέργεια προμήθειας με διαγωνισμό, έξι απορριμματοκιβωτίων με σύστημα συμπίεσης (pressocontainers) δαπάνης 147.600 ευρώ. Τα απορριματοκιβώτια είναι τοποθετημένα σε συγκεκριμένους χώρους όπου υπάρχει μεγάλη ημερήσια παραγωγή αποβλήτων και απαιτείται αντίστοιχος όγκος προσωρινής αποθήκευσης. Τα απορριμματοκιβώτια συμπιέζουν τα απορρίμματα (οικιακού τύπου) προς εξοικονόμηση όγκου και στην συνέχεια με ειδικά γερανοφόρα οχήματα μεταφέρονται στο Χ.Υ.Τ.Α. Μαυρορράχης.
Επίσης εγκρίθηκε η διενέργεια προμήθειας, με διαγωνισμό, 30 ανοικτών σκαφών αποκομιδής και τεσσάρων ανοικτών απορριμματοκιβωτίων συνολικής δαπάνης 205.410 ευρώ, για τη συλλογή και μεταφορά των ογκωδών απορριμμάτων. Οι ανοικτές σκάφες τοποθετούνται σε επιλεγμένα σημεία τ ΘεσσαλονίκηΘεσσαλονίκης πρόκειται να δημιουργήσει «πράσινα» σημεία όπου θα τοποθετηθούν 30 ανοικτές σκάφες για την ξεχωριστή εναπόθεση αστικών αποβλήτων από τους πολίτες, Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων για Ορθοπεδικός με σκοπό την ανακύκλωση (χαρτί, ξύλο, σίδερο, ηλεκτρικές και ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές) ενώ τα τέσσερα ανοικτά απορριμματοκιβώτια, θα χρησιμοποιηθούν για την μεταφορά των υπολειμμάτων ανακύκλωσης από το κέντρο διαλογής στο Χ.Υ.Τ.Α.
Εξάλλου, εγκρίθηκε η διενέργεια προμήθειας, με διαγωνισμό, πλαστικών σάκων δια φόρων μεγεθών (οδικών-αστικών απορριμμάτων, για ανακύκλωση, για μεταλλικά δοχεία, για ειδικές χρήσεις-δράσεις και το αστικό περιβάλλον), συνολικής δαπάνης 288.066 ευρώ. Συγκεκριμένα 272.568 ευρώ για τις ανάγκες των υπηρεσιών Ανακύκλωσης και καθαριότητας και 15.498 ευρώ για τις ανάγκες των υπηρεσιών Πρασίνου.
ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ SEO Συναυλία του Νίκου Ξυδάκη στον Κήπο του Μεγάρου
Με τίτλο "Βρεχει στην
Εθνική Οδό και με την συμμετοχή των
Γεωργία Νταγάκη, Γιώργη Χριστοδούλου,
Ηλία Βαμβακούση και τους Pop Eye.
Με την πολυαναμενόμενη συναυλία
του Νίκου Ξυδάκη κορυφώνονται το
Σάββατο 14 Σεπ Τεμβρίου στις 9 το βράδυ,
οι εκδηλώσεις του κήπου που φέτος
πλημμύρισε από μουσική και κόσμο. Ο
Νίκος Ξυδάκης, ο σπουδαίος 'Ελληνας
συνθέτης επιστρέφει στο Μέγαρο και στον
υπέροχο κήπο του, για να παρουσιάσει
μια νέα προσέγγιση του έργου του "Η
Εκδίκηση της Γυφτιάς", έργο σταθμό στην
ελληνική μουσική που αγαπήθηκε πολύ
και θεωρείται πλέον κλασικό. Στη μοναδική
αυτή συναυλία, το δικό τους χρώμα θα
προσθέσουν γνωστά τραγούδια του συνθέτη
που έχουν γράψει τη δική τους ιστορία,
αλλά και κάποια που θα ακουστούν για
πρώτη φορά σε συναυλία.
Η βραδιά έχει τον τίτλο
‘Βρέχει στην Εθνική Οδό’ ενός από τα
ωραιότερα κομμάτια της ‘Εκδίκησης της
Γυφτιάς’, ενός τραγουδιού ‘φευγάτου’
ντυμένου μελαγχολικά με τους στίχους
του Μανώλη Ρασούλη. Μια ματιά στην
ταυτότητα του ‘Εκδίκησης’ : έτος
κυκλοφορίας 1978, εταιρία παρ αγωγής η
Λύρα του Νίκου Πατσιφά, Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων: Λύση Προβλήματος η μουσική του
Νίκου Ξυδάκη, οι στίχοι του Μανώλη
Ρασούλη, η παραγωγή του Διονύση
Σαββόπουλου. Τραγουδιστής ο αξέχαστος
Νίκος Παπάζογλου(συμμετείχαν η Σοφία
Διαμαντή και ο Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος).
Το εξώφυλλο υπογράφει ο Αλέξης
Τα τραγούδια που θα
ακουστούν θα είναι γνώριμα και αγαπημένα:
Ιερά Οδός, Παντοκράτορας, Αέρας της
Αγάπης, Κάιρο Ναύπλιο Χαρτούμ, Τι θέλω
τι, Γρήγορα η ώρα, Ιζαμπώ, Καστριτσιάνικο,
Ερωτικό, Ιλισσός, Φυσά βοριάς, Τα ρόδα
του ανέμου, Κυνός, Κοιμωμένη, Σαν μια
ταινία, Φίλε αδελφή ψυχή, με μέλι, Στη
ρωγμή του χρόνου, Βρέχει στην Εθνική
Οδό, SEO Ηράκλειο Από περιέργεια υπάρχω, Κανείς εδώ
δεν τραγουδά, Αλμπατρος, Μετανάστης
στην αγκάλη σου, Στην Πόλυ, Στην αρχή
των τραγουδιών, Συνεργεία, Χαβαλεδιάρικο,
Δασάκι, Τροχαίο, Γέμισε μου το ποτήρι,
Σουμιτζού, Από τη γυναίκα, Τρελή κι
αδέ σποτη, Μη φοβάσαι, Οι Μάγκες.
Την ορχήστρα αποτελούν οι
μουσικοί: Δημήτρης Μπουζάνης(πιάνο),
Δημήτρης Χουντής(σαξόφωνο), Γιώργος
Διαμαντόπουλος(πλήκτρα), Θάνος
Μιχαηλίδης(τύμπανα), Ηλίας Βαμβακούσης(ούτι)
και η Γεωργία Νταγάκη(λύρα)
Την επιμέλεια
της ορχήστρας έχουν ο Δημήτρης
Μπουζάνης και ο Γιώργος Διαμαντόπουλος
εισιτηρίων: €10,00.
Πώληση εισιτηρίων
κατά την είσοδο την ημέρα της
συναυλίας: €12,00
ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ SEO Η γενιά των τριαντάρηδων μπορεί να δημιουργείΜετά το επιτυχημένο πέρασμά τους από την Αθήνα αλλά και το Λονδίνο, οι τρεις «Μάγοι» της ελληνικής δισκογραφίας, η Νατάσσα Μποφίλιου, Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων για Γαστρεντερολόγος ο Θέμης Καραμουρατίδης και ο Γεράσιμος Ευαγγελάτος συνεχίζουν το μαγικό τους ταξίδι και στην υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα, με μια περιορισμένη σειρά παραστάσεων που αποδεικνύουν ότι η γενιά των τριαντάρηδων μπορεί να ελπίζει και να δημιουργεί ακόμα.
Την Τετάρτη 18 Σεπ Τεμβρίου το «Πέρασμα των Μάγων» παρουσιάζεται στο Πάρκο Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου (Ασύρματος) στον Δήμο Αγίου Δημητρίου Αττικής.
Την συναυλία διοργανώνει ο Οργανισμός Πολιτισμού, Αθλητισμού & περιβάλλοντος Δήμου Αγίου Δημητρίου.
Πάρκο Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου (Ασύρματος): Είσοδος από οδό Αγωνιστών Πολυτεχνείου
Η είσοδος είναι ελεύθερη για το κοινό.
πληροφορίες στο τηλ: 210 9760505
Σε μια αναδρομή από την πρώτη γνωριμία τους το 2003 μέχρι τη «Δεύτερη Ακρόαση» και την «Ασπιρίνη» κι από το «Μέχρι το Τέλος» μέχρι τις πρόσφατες «Ημέρες του Φωτός», η πιο δυναμική τριάδα του σύγχρονου ελληνικού τραγουδιού παρουσιάζει μια παράσταση γεμάτη Φως, συγκίνηση, δύναμη, εκρηκτικές διασκευές και σημαντικές στιγμές από το ρεπερτόριο που καθόρισε την πορεία της έως σήμερα.
Με το "Πέρασμα των Μάγων" – που έλαβε ενθουσιώδεις κριτικές και αγαπήθηκε από το κοινό - οι τρεις δημιουργοί, όντας «κιόλας τριάντα», συγκεφαλαιώνουν μια δεκαετία, ολοκληρώνουν έναν μεγάλο κύκλο, και προετοιμάζουν το έδαφος για τα επόμενα βήματά τους.
Επιμέλεια προγράμματος: Γεράσιμος Ευαγγελάτος
Ενορχηστρώσεις: Θέμης Καραμουρατίδης
Ήχος: Γιάννης Παξεβάνης
Σχεδιασμός φωτισμών: Αλέξανδρος Προδρόμου
Artwork: Κωνσταντίνος Γεωργαντάς
Παίζουν οι Μουσικοί:
Πιάνο: Θέμης Καραμουρατίδης
Τύμπανα: Λογισμικό Φοίβος Κουντουράκης
Κιθάρες: Σωτήρης Καστάνης
Μπάσο: Γιώργος Μπουλντής
Τσέλο: Άρης Ζέρβας
Βιολί-Μαντολίνο: Δημήτρης Κουζής
Οργάνωση Παρ αγωγής: PROSPERO ,
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Keep a copy of the care and maintenance instructions furnished with your stonework as sealants and care procedures selection. Granite surfaces such as worktops don't need too much specialist cleaning as top doesn't absorb stains in the same manner as a softer travertine stone.
Glass tile kitchen backsplashes not only give outdoor kitchens a various kick of fashion and design, but luckily they are easy to freshen up. The smooth surface can be wiped down shortly after cooking retain the brilliant the masonry structure. Stone or other types of backsplashes can stain easily and be the pain to fix. Make your life easier after cooking a delicious snack. Use glass tile on the backsplash for any and easy cleanup.
Above-ground pits are almost similar to in-ground ones but are meant to a cement or stone outdoor patio. The actual pit would be elevated, which allows your feet to rest comfortably on ledge furthermore sit magnified the warmth of the hearth. The only digging which is involved would be the trenches meant for the footings. The bed is carefully lined with gravel.
This is a natural manufactured stone. Individuals prefer to stay away from Stone veneer For fireplace surrounds types which have been created. If you're looking for a unit that is completed from rocks obtained naturally, this might not be an ideal choice you.
Facing can be a term were accustomed to identify use of a fabric to a wall wall. This material is often used on exterior and interior fences. Veneer provides a textured finish and fosters a richer appearance compared to a standard flat painted fence. Both brick and wood are common veneer equipment.
Most in the slate quarried today also come in large concentrations in coastal regions around Europe. This is because the silt and mineral elements have collected here over the centuries the actual oceans have receded then have then become exposed to tremendous pressure and heat. This pressure and heat then forges all components together so as to form this naturally durable but very rugged material.
It's not necessarily a fireplace in manner sense for the word. But, it has style. If your friends come over to your house on a warm day to spend a few hours with you, the hearth will work as the perfect in order to gather. Sitting by the fire pit, drinking drinks and talking may well perfect strategy to wrap up a beautiful day.
Flashing is above the slate application, but it is additionally found beneath the stone. This can have damage or corrosion and you will not know it until notice a problem. This is not a part of the amateurs among united states. There are many skills and techniques to safely and correctly fixing these disorders. Leave this one to benefits.
Many forms of outdoor landscaping projects come to mind whenever we think about stone. For anyone who is only searching for an accent of stone, you need to look at a flower bed border. To locate take plenty of stone, and appears very nice. Many people use brick for this, and while brick is less expensive, it is not as durable as standing. Also, you can usually find broken slate or salvage slate for a project like this and pay very little for it. Some people like merely line the skin of their flower bed with slate, but others like produce an actual border within the outside - sometimes increased as six inches extra tall.
By installing manufactured stone veneer wall cladding around your fire home. But we aren't talking expensive natural stone here. Were talking throughout regards to man made "stone" product that looks similar in results as actual cigarettes - but at nearly half the retail price.
Facing can be a term employed to identify the application of a fabric to a wall surface. This material is often used on exterior and interior sides. Veneer provides a textured finish and creates a richer appearance when compared with a standard flat painted wall. Both brick and wood are common veneer means.
There is really a Ledge stone chance that the creation may suffer breaking off and scraping. Whilst this essentially a drawback, they've got a constructive region. If breaking off or scraping take place, the stone is actually in a manner that the under face is alike as the external appearance. This signifies that it will merge in appropriately.
Cut tiles. Your remaining tile spaces require to be slashed to exact dimensions to suit. You will require to make use of a Ledge stone wet saw for this project. Study the space around the wall into the next floor tile products. After all tiles have been installed allow 10 hours for the tiles to set up before you apply the grout.
For instance if matter to develop a dramatic and eye catching entrance to your abode, you may use stone veneer along the internal walls in addition to some feature lighting for maximum effect. The multifaceted cladding stone combined with premium lighting can put in a wonderful the way they look to all the visitors.
Since it's effectively a lot of different of vinyl siding (even though appears just like stone) essential have to bother with about the longevity of one's stone veneer. Caulk it correctly and it is water tight, and it resists UV damage. Skip shingles or conventional siding and try faux stone panels instead - you should be amazed at the difference. Many cover concrete work by using a fake stone facade that's really begging. Rough and dressed stone styles are available, so it's simple to make everything look the way in which want.
Tips For Buying Sofas in Sale
There are many things to consider when purchasing a new couch or upgrading your current one. For instance, the couch's size, fabric and style all are important.
There are a lot of high-rated sofas available today to meet your criteria. Below we've listed a few of our favorites.
Sofas are a prominent feature in many living rooms. They offer seating for family and friends. They come in a variety of designs which makes them a perfect option for any space. There is a sofa to fit your style and budget, whether you choose a contemporary leather sofa or a comfortable material sofa. When looking for a new sofa, you must consider the size of the space before you make your purchase. A sofa that is too big for the space may make it feel cramped. To avoid this, you should measure the dimensions of your room and use painter's tape to outline the area you intend to put your sofa. Then, you can compare these measurements to the sofa dimensions to make sure it fits comfortably in your living space. You should also consider the height of your ceiling as well as the position of other furniture when measuring.
There isn't a strict rule regarding the size of a sofa, the general rule is that the seat's thickness should be about 40 inches. Seat depth can vary depending on the type of couch and cushion material. For example Leather corner sofa sale sofas for sale online generally have a deeper seat than fabrics velvet couches for sale. Reclining sofas also have more seat depth than non reclining options.
When shopping for a couch sets for sale, the seat height is a different aspect to take into consideration. Lower seat heights are better for smaller spaces and can create a feeling of spaciousness in the space. A smaller sofa is easy to move around the hallway and through doors.
When you are looking for a sofa, it's crucial to look at the quality of the frame. Particularly, you need to ensure that the frame is constructed of sturdy materials and that the joints are secure. Additionally, the padding must be thick and durable. You should also examine the suspension and upholstery of the sofa. The suspension should be constructed of serpentine or coiled spring units and the upholstery should be of good quality.
A sofa purchase is a significant investment, therefore it is essential to take your time to choose the best one for your space. There are a variety of ways to save money when purchasing a sofa. One method is to shop during sales like Memorial Day or Presidents Day. Additionally you should always check prices between different retailers and be sure to consider the cost of shipping and delivery.
The fabric you select for your sofa is one of the most important factors that determine the overall appearance and feel. Certain fabrics are more durable and comfortable than others and are also easier to clean and care for. A quality sofa will also last longer than a cheaper one, which may wear out quickly and require frequent replacements. A high-quality sofa will maintain its shape and color throughout the years which makes it a good investment for your home.
The material of your sofa should match with the decor of the room and reflect your personal style. It should be comfortable to lounge on and not easily fade or stain. Some sofas come with covers that are removable, making it easy to wash and maintain the fabric. Sofas of high quality can be reupholstered when needed.
When selecting a couch it is important to consider how often and where it will be used. For instance, if have young children and pets, you will probably prefer a long-lasting fabric that can be easily cleaned. Similarly, if you plan to entertain guests frequently you may want to consider buying a sectional that can accommodate many people.
You can choose between various styles and colors depending on your preference. For example, you can opt for a classic Chesterfield-style sofa with nailhead trim and deep button tufting or a contemporary microfiber boucle-like chenille sofa. If you prefer a minimalist style then you can opt for a modern sectional that has an unassuming design and can be set up to suit any space.
Another consideration when choosing a sofa is its aesthetics and how well it fits with the furniture in your home. Kasler suggests finding a neutral-colored sofa that you can see you enjoying for many years and that will fit aesthetically with the other furniture in your home. You can always add more personality with other pieces like throw blankets and accent chairs.
Luxury sofas are expensive, but are long-term investment. They typically come with warranties from the manufacturer and after-purchase support. They are also made with more sustainable materials, like wood frames that are made sustainably, organic or recycled upholstery materials, and eco comfortable cushions. A high-end sofa is likely to be built by a furniture maker with a solid reputation for quality and service.
The design of your sofa can influence how it looks and feels at home. It should be a good fit in with your existing decor and furniture. It can also make a statement, introducing a new color or pattern to the space. Certain sofa designs are more functional than others, and come with features like hidden storage compartments and drop-down tables. These are great for storing remotes magazines, books, books and other things that are easily accessible.
Think about the fabric of the sofa when selecting a sofa. The material should be soft and shock-absorbent to ensure comfort, and it should be suitable for the room's decor. Also, check that the seat height and depth are in line with your body proportions. If the cushions on a sofa can be removed and replaceable, it's much easier to replace them if they wear out.
If you're planning to purchase a sofa online, it's recommended to check the website of the manufacturer or contacting the retailer they get their materials from. A trusted brand will give you information about the process of making their products and the various materials and construction techniques. The company should be willing to answer your questions about the sofa.
In addition to the overall look of the sofa, it is important to focus on the quality and durability of the sofa. To save money, some brands use less expensive materials. However these sofas may not last longer than premium models or be as comfortable. Additionally, some sofas feature poorly-crafted seams and welting. Look for the same stripes, centered patterns and even seams and welting to guarantee a professional finish.
Modular sofas are a recent development that allow you to customize your sofa size and shape. They're a great option for those who entertain frequently or have large families because they can be rearranged to accommodate guests and offer additional seating. Sofas can also be broken down into smaller pieces for ease of moving.
If you're worried about the durability of your sofa, it might be beneficial to buy one with a longer warranty period. This will ensure that it will last for a while, especially when you have children or pets.
Sofas are expensive, but they're worth the cost for their style and comfort. It's best to make a plan before you go shopping to avoid getting overwhelmed by options. When making your decision, take into consideration the size and shape of the sofa you want as well as any other features you're interested in. For instance, do need a footrest that is powered with massage functions, or reclining? These options will add to your price.
Another thing to think about is the sofa's fabric. If you have children or pets you'll need to select an easy-to-clean and durable fabric. Microfibers and Leather are both good choices because they can withstand everyday wear and tear. Additionally, textured fabrics ward off stains better than smooth ones, so they're a smart option for areas that are frequently used.
The frame and fill of the sofa are also a factor in its longevity. Sofas made of solid wood frame will last longer than those constructed from plywood or particleboard. Also, make sure to check whether the sofa is equipped with springs. If so, it should be hand-tied in eight ways which is the most suitable for comfort.
It's also crucial to take the style of your house into consideration when selecting the right sofa. If you have a contemporary space, for instance you'll want a modern or minimalist leather couches for sale near me sofa with simple lines. You should also pick a sofa that fits in with the other furniture pieces.
Choosing the right sofa for your living room can be a bit of an art. There are many various styles and shapes to choose from, so you should make sure you reduce your options to the ones that work with your space. Use websites like SofaScore to compare sofas and select the best one for you.
Look for sofa sales in November and around Black Friday. Also, following Christmas, in January, you can find great deals. This is the best time to purchase, as the retailers will be working hard to get rid of their inventory before the start of the new year. This is the perfect time to purchase a quality sofa at a bargain price.
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